You may have seen these examples in the App Store product page, below
is a quick explanation of the triggers:
Free drive Space goes below 10% - set up in Drives > Boot Drive Space
This will trigger when the boot drive space is getting low so you know to
start making deleting items, low boot drive space slows your entire system down, experts recommend to keep a minimum of 15 to 20 % of the space free.
Critical Heat Stress is Occurring - set up in System Stats > Heat Stress > State: Occurs
This is will trigger when the your system is working too hard, this trigger would be great at warning you to quit some apps to free up system resources.
Dark Mode Started - set up in Appearance > State: Dark Mode
This is will trigger when the you switch to dark mode, as system appearance can be triggered by time of day, this is one way to change the behaviour of your system at night, for example you could quit your work apps like outlook and launch your evening apps like Music or Plex.
Internet is Disconnected - set up in Network > Internet Connection > State: Disconnected
This is pretty simple, it will trigger when the internet is disconnected, this is the best way to monitor for a bad modem or wifi router. Remember any shortcuts triggers cannot use the internet to work, so an audible alarm is great.
Drive Mounted Matching SD Card - set up in Drives > Multiple Drives > Filter to "SD Card"
This will trigger when any drive is plugged in that has a drive name containing the phrase "SD Card", so if you have a group of SD cards or drives you use for a specific project, you can enter a specific phrase in the drive name and then trigger a workflow if any drive matches. This is ideal for photographers who have to juggle multiple memory cards. If you want to trigger single workflow for a single drive, then use Drives > Specific Drives.
On Weekdays @1700 - set up in Time > Days of week > Choose weekdays & Enter the time
This will trigger will simply trigger at the time specified on the given days of the week.
When Track Roxanne is Playing - set up in Music > Track > Enter part of track name
This will trigger when Apple Music is playing this track on your Mac, NB: Pausing a track still counts as playing, you need to change tracks to cause the trigger to be "Not Playing". This is great for triggering a HomeKit lighting sequence based on an Track name or Genre, or turning the volume down if country music is playing.